.. _converting-an-app: Converting An App ================= Converting an app to use South is very easy: - Edit your settings.py and put 'south' into `INSTALLED_APPS` (assuming you've installed it to the right place) - Run ``./manage.py syncdb`` to load the South table into the database. Note that syncdb looks different now - South modifies it. - Run ``./manage.py convert_to_south myapp`` - South will automatically make and pretend to apply your first migration. Converting other installations and servers ------------------------------------------ The convert_to_south command only works entirely on the first machine you run it on. Once you've committed the initial migrations it made into the database, you'll have to run ``./manage.py migrate myapp 0001 --fake`` on every machine that has a copy of the codebase (make sure they were up-to-date with models and schema first). Remember that new installations of the codebase after this don't need these steps; you need only do a syncdb then a normal migrate.